
1st Birthday Decoration: Yo Gabba Gabba

This is a simple 1st birthday decoration that I made for a small celebration. Mixed a balloons theme in vibrant primary colors with Yo Gabba Gabba paintings and figures.

Princesses Poster

This poster was sent to a special friend who got her Make a Wish early this year. Enjoy!

OTGTEACH New Website

New website completed for Off the Grid with Renewable Energy (OTGTEACH.COM), a green vocational school. I created the look and feel, graphics and web design.

My Katabolic Updates for 2011

Within the last year I have been busy with a new project. After I finished my Web Design diploma in December, 2009 I began a BS in Information Technology Security. I am following that program at Western Governors University, which is an online non-profit university.

Most courses require certifications, and that is exactly what made me get into the IT Security program. So far, I have earned the following certifications:

- CIW Database Professional (July 2011)
- CompTIA A+ (May 2011)

Little by little things are certain. Many ideas and many things to do... Balancing life is not an easy task but it is a very fulfilling one.

"Sin sacrificio no hay gloria,
ni sin dolor esperanza;
tal es del hombre la historia.
El dolor es quien alcanza
las palmas de la victoria"
- Lola Rodríguez de Tió